Experts in communication, brand and reputation research


From complexity to clarity

For a business as complex, global and risk-rich as the Zurich Insurance Company, taking a data-driven approach to reputation management in today’s ‘always-on’ communications environment is vital to provide objective feedback and help with prioritisation. Zurich turned to us to develop its first fully Integrated Global Reputation Dashboard to help provide that evidence.

‘Reputation for what; among whom; and to what purpose’ framed the challenges and discoveries ahead. An audit of existing data focused on drivers of reputation and behaviour across audiences, businesses and geographies. We identified evidence gaps in several key stakeholder groups which we addressed as we completed the global view. 

To encourage alignment across various studies, saving time and money while making necessary linkages, we also recommended a common set of core, index and consequence questions to be built into ongoing research programs. Tracking the contribution of Zurich’s corporate reputation to its market cap highlighted the significant value and strength of the asset to be protected and supported. This work connects management with the material insight and intelligence to be more effective, bringing clarity to an otherwise complex picture.