UK Power Networks delivers electricity to eight million homes and businesses in London, the South East and East of England.
They came to us to understand more about their hard-to-reach customers who may be particularly vulnerable in a power cut.
This involved qualitative and quantitative research with a number of different customer groups including people in rural and coastal communities, young families, the elderly, disabled people and their caregivers, people from different ethnic groups where English may not be the first language, people who are digitally excluded and rural micro businesses.
Our research informed UK Power Networks’ strategy for communicating with their diverse customers and helped shape their support services for vulnerable people.
“UK Power Networks were ranked second in the industry for their stakeholder engagement performance in 2015/16, as evaluated by the regulator Ofgem.”
UK Power Networks Annual Review
“UK Power Networks were ranked second in the industry for their stakeholder engagement performance in 2015/16, as evaluated by the regulator Ofgem.”