Experts in communication, brand and reputation research


Since 1990, Echo Research has had the honour of serving over 700 clients around the world. We are a human-led research, insights, and advisory business, with extensive sector expertise, across all major markets and languages.

Our expertise lies in researching stakeholder expectations, communications effectiveness, brand performance and the drivers of reputation. Through stakeholder research, media analysis, and social listening, we focus on understanding reputation: for what, among whom, and for what purpose.

We deliver research-based, board-ready insights. Our clients value the insights our experienced and senior team provide, helping them make informed decisions that drive positive stakeholder trust and behaviour. We recognise and embrace the power of AI, in support of informed and experienced professionals.

How we work

Our team of 80+ consultants, researchers, and analysts combine deep sector knowledge with expertise in corporate communications, stakeholder research, and media content analysis. Your Echo team is hand-picked to match your individual needs and requirements.

As founder members of AMEC, the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication, MRS Company Partners, and Expert Witnesses in reputation, the highest quality standards and leadership guide all our research practices.