Experts in communication, brand and reputation research


Brand Strategy: delivering and measuring business imperatives

We define a brand as 'a promise kept'. That means the brand is built from the inside-out, and on an enduring truth. It also means that our clients realise their full potential, on all relevant business measures and across all stakeholder groups. So our brand programmes create deep understanding of three things: where does the organisation want to be? Where is the organisation seen to be now? What needs to change, for the organisation to achieve its objectives?

Our approach has three stages to answer those questions: Make it Easy (to articulate and to understand the strategy); Make it Happen (identify key changes, activities and responsibilities); Make it Last (ensure ownership across the client organisation, and that the right measurement and refinement processes are in place).

Putting stakeholder research at the core of brand programmes is, we believe, the only way to guarantee that an organisation’s corporate and brand strategies are aligned, and focused on real business outcomes. It’s how our clients keep their promises.

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