Experts in communication, brand and reputation research


Tune into The Echo Research Podcast

29 June 2022

Exploring current drivers of reputation within large organisations, The Echo Research podcast is a series of straight talking experts touching on corporate purpose, behavioural economics, reputation and environmental, social and governance (ESG). 

Each episode features a member of The Echo Advisory Board members in conversation with a specialist invited guest. 

Now available on AmazonApple Podcasts and Spotify.


Straight Talking Series

Episode 1: 'Society is Communications' with Professor Anne Gregory and Professor Jim Macnamara

We welcome Professor Anne Gregory, on Echo’s Advisory Board, and Professor Jim Macnamara at the University of Technology Sydney, two award-winning and highly respected international academics and practitioners on either side of the world explore the role and challenges for communicators. In this epsiode they share great insight, clear perspectives and practical guidance on three major areas:

  1. Going beyond purpose 
  2. The responsibility in AI and big data 
  3. The problems of evaluation 

Episode 2: 'Communication is the real work of leadership*' with Rosie Halfhead and Nancy Glynn

In this second episode Nancy Glynn, former senior corporate communications executive, now global executive coach, talks to Rosie Halfhead, NED & Echo Advisory Board member, about the shift to human-centred leadership and straight-talking communications.

Executives and the businesses they lead are under constant scrutiny. The concept of social licence is growing, making the challenges of business and society more interdependent than ever. The playbooks they rely upon are wholly inadequate (and even 'often obsolete'). How can leaders adapt to the ever-changing and increasingly complex environments and deliver sustained high performance and remain true to their purpose? How do leaders reconcile the need to speak up with the risk of disenfranchising stakeholders? 

*Nitin Nohria, Dean, Harvard Business School

Episode 3: 'Changing expectations of leaders?' with Andrew Whyte and Barney Wyld

How much do the seismic shifts and experiences in the US shape expectations of leaders in the UK and elsewhere? From gun control and transgender issues to abortion rights and climate change, what drives corporate leaders to take a public stance and where is social advocacy going? 

In this episode you will hear about stakeholder capitalism, the challenges to corporate responsibility and the importance of capturing the diverse views across your key audiences in this practical exchange with Echo Advisory Board member and former Communications Director at the Financial Conduct Authority Andrew Whyte, in conversation with Echo client, Barney Wyld, experienced communications director at Johnson Matthey, formerly with Rolls-Royce, National Grid, Network Rail and Unilever. 

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