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Introducing RQ2 - a new Resilience research methodology

27 June 2023

Echo Research has launched a new research platform to support organisations looking to best understand their resilience to shock and change.  Within a climate of increasing uncertainty and market concern, leadership teams need new sources of insightful data to help make informed decisions to navigate change. 

A mini industry of consulting offers has emerged, focusing on the notion of resilience, and encouraging businesses to adopt new strategies that might enable them to survive and thrive through adversity.  But much of that current advice is narrow in scope and missing an important link.

Narrow because resilience is very much a compound substance and missing a link because ‘organisational and personal resilience are cut from the same cloth.’*

Our new dedicated Resilience stakeholder research, RQ2, provides the insights needed to identify organisational pressure points and make informed decisions to improve overall resilience.

RQ2 sets an organisation’s Resilience Quotient and makes that critical link between the organisational and individual levels:

  • It integrates five distinct types of resilience and creates a unique ‘single view’ to provide “a temperature gauge” or “a really valuable heatmap” of organisational health.
  • It provides a quantified research platform for action, through which leaders can address real issues around their organisations’ resilience and change-readiness and achieve proper reputational regard for their position. 

RQ2 combines intelligence drawn from internal and external audiences and perspectives. RQ2 acts as early warning system to alert leaders to the possibility of culture and operational misalignment. Corporate failures are so often a result of culture rather than events, so regular measurement of resilience is becoming critical to continued organisational health.

Are you resilience ready?

To find out, contact our ESG and Resilience specialist, Tarquin Henderson, here for further information .


*Hiltrud Werner, Head of Integrity and Legal Affairs, VW

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