Experts in communication, brand and reputation research


Britain's Most Admired Companies 2023 awards at the London Stock Exchange

27 March 2024

Earlier this month, Echo Research proudly unveiled the prestigious roster of Britain’s Most Admired Companies for 2023, an occasion that continues to reverberate with resounding enthusiasm.

In the early hours of 12 March, the honour of initiating trading at the London Stock Exchange was bestowed upon us. The iconic setting was bathed in a radiant yellow glow, with our #BritainsMostAdmired2023 emblem prominently adorning every screen. Against the backdrop of Legal & General securing its consecutive victory as the overall winner, we seized the opportunity to broadcast the Market Open, featuring brief interviews with Julia Hoggett (CEO, London Stock Exchange), Sandra Macleod (CEO, Echo Research), Antoñio Simões (CEO, Legal & General), and Greg Jackson (CEO, Octopus Energy, recognized as the highest riser in 2023).

Following this momentous occasion, we announced the winners across 28 industry sectors and 13 reputational criteria, alongside our analysis of this year's research findings. The prevailing narrative underscored the critical significance of resilience and sustainable growth in today's dynamic landscape, echoing the sentiments articulated by our award-winning CEO panel discussion under the guidance of Deputy CEO of the London Stock Exchange, Charlie Walker, with Mark Irwin (Group CEO, Serco), Greg Jackson (CEO, Octopus Energy), Marc Ronchetti (CEO, Halma) & Antoñio Simões (CEO, Legal & General).

The morning culminated in a frank and open exchange between Charlie Walker and the former Legal & General CEO, Sir Nigel Wilson, on the benefits of London listings and the robust entrepreneurial spirit pervasive across the UK.

Stay tuned for the unveiling of our 2024 study, scheduled to go live in early summer.

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“Don't underestimate the power of the human collective, not just when we need it but when we want it.” Mark Irwin, Serco, Group CEO
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“The UK is full of entrepreneurs.” Sir Nigel Wilson, Former Legal & General CEO