Experts in communication, brand and reputation research

Modern Slavery Act

Anti-Slavery Statement

This statement, made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, sets out the approach taken by Echo Research Group and its companies concerning potential modern slavery risks related to its business, and the actions undertaken to mitigate such risks.

Our business

Echo Research Group is a provider of communications, brand and reputation research and related consulting services principally to public relations and marketing communications professionals in respect of their organisations’ business goals. It is the parent company of the Echo group of companies (“the Group”). The Group is headquartered in the UK and has a team of approximately 80 staff and analysts across Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America and North America.

Our supply chains

Echo’s Board has considered the likely risk posed to Echo Research by modern slavery and human trafficking. As a provider of data analytical and related professional services we do not have a long or complex supply chain, making the risk of trafficking or slavery very low. Our supply chain consists predominantly of individual trained freelance analysts and approved suppliers of data, IT software and hardware, and office supplies and equipment.

Our principles and policies

The Group seeks to meet robust ethical and professional standards and complies with all relevant local laws applicable to its business. The Echo Board does not tolerate any form of modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of its business and requires that the Group’s management implements appropriate and proportionate measures to ensure that the Group complies with its obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The Board believes that the nature of Echo’s business (together with the Group’s approach to high standards of governance and corporate behavior) and the fact that we do not operate in high risk sectors or locations are such that the risk in Echo’s business and in its supply chains is very low. Echo will keep under review its policies and procedures to ensure that these remain appropriate and effective.

August 2024